diumenge, 20 de novembre del 2011

Hyperlite experiments

El prototip modificat a HyperLite funciona prou bé. Inflat suau i perfecte sense vent. Amb vent inflat explosiu, compte! Segueixo treballant en el concepte...

5 comentaris:

Toni ha dit...

Em vaig quedar impressionat amb la lleugeresa d'inflat i el pes final de la vela.

Ivan ha dit...

no habrá sido el sábado a la mañana en una playa esa foto?

perehc ha dit...

Be, Ivanson, molt observador! A les 11h vaig estar a la platja d'Ocata i despres vam estar amb el Toni a Cabrera de Mar... es una vela "secreta" un prototip experimental...

herc ha dit...

this is very impressive ! please keep up the good work! i would love to see more photos and videos of your prototype ! single skin paragliders would be perfect beach ground handling - no more sand in the (no more existing) cells!
also perfect as a schooling wing: no bursting cells!

perehc ha dit...

Hello Herculon,
This single surface prototype has been constructed by modifying a normal double-surface paraglider.
It has been prepared in the STRIP-AIR paraglider repair center of Carles Torres http://www.stripair.cat
We have made extensive ground handling and numerous glides at very low altitude.
The inflation is incredibly easy, even without wind. The brake handling is very smooth. The pressure in the "A" not very high (we let's move back a little the A tabs". The reopenings to small intentionally induced collapses during ground handling is very fast. The glide ratio and speed is "normal". The results of oll these experiments are very useful for the design of the new BarretinaHyperlite, which is in advanced stage of design. Soon more news!!!
Best regards,